One step closer to the light!

In the various target villages of the OnePower project, local committees are being created.

.At the beginning of November, the committees of six of our villages were set up; three committees in our “PROVES” villages (in Koussoukpa, Setto and Godohou) and three committees in our “UEF” villages (Gbowélè, Sinlita and Don Akadjmè). The members of the committee (three women and three men) are active and dynamic inhabitants of the village.

After adequate training, the tasks of the committee include taking a census of the population of the village, sensitizing them; assist and train them.

The committee in place is OnePower’s representation in each village.
The involvement of these women and men during the various works demonstrates the enthusiasm and willingness of all for the electrification of the village.
We share with you a photo of a committee in the village of Koussoukpa.

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